Monday, September 19, 2016

Running old C 'Marv Klotz' programs in Linux

      In a video about springs in youtube channel "this old tony" he recommends (at 4:35) a program that calculates mandrel sizes to make springs. The suggested program is written by Marv Klotz, and can be found in 

      Looking at Marv Klotz website I found a lot of interesting programs that can help in the shop. The drawback is that the programs runs in 32bit DOS. 
      Now, Is this a big problem ? Well, not a all. To run the programs in Ubuntu linux is pretty easy. 

First open the terminal ( Crtl + Alt + T ), then type: 

sudo apt-get install dosbox

      Put your password, and you'll install a DOS emulator in your computer. Now lets suppose you want to run the "bend" program, and you've downloaded and extracted it into the "download" folder.  With DOSbox  application open, type:

mount c /home/user/downloads

and then, 


        Know you have a virtual c: drive in downloads folder, in wich you can run the program typing the *.exe name, in the case of the example, BEND. 
        A final note: user is your computer name. As you can see in the print screen, using my computer as example, I've typed "mount c /home/eddie/downloads" 

Finally, a print screen of the BEND program running: 

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